The Survivors Of 9/11                                       

" To listen to a witness is to become a witness". (Wiesel, Elie).

Pasquale Buzzelli

"I felt the walls next to me crack and buckle on top of me" ( Buzzelli, Pasquale).

At 10 a.m on September 11th, Buzzelli phoned his wife, Louise,  and told her not to worry. He would make it through this, he had to. She was seven months pregnant, and he could not imagine leaving her as a widow. His office was on the 64th floor of the North Tower; however, he slowly made it down the stairs. As he reached the 22nd floor, he felt the tower begin to shake and tremble. He said in an interview, " I felt the walls next to me crack and buckle on top of me". He lost consciousness after the trembeling of the Tower, and woke up 180 feet below the 22nd floor. He screamed and the firefighters came to his rescue. He is said to be the person, who surfed the collapse and lived. (  <>. 

There were 16 survivors in the World Trade Center in the North Tower. 
1. Josephine Harris- a book keeper
2. Captain Jay Jonas- firefighter 
3. David Lim- Port Authority officer
4. Komorowski- firefighter
5. Chief Richard Picciotto- firefighter
6. Bill Butler- firefighter
7. Sal D' Agostino-firefighter
8. Tommy Falco-firefighter
9. Mike Meldrum-firefighter
 9. an Office Temp 
10. Pasquale Buzzelli- engineer
11. Five other firemen from Ladder Six

Josephine Harris - no photo available

Josephine Harris has an incredible story, to say the least. Harris is an elderly, black woman, who had traveled from 73rd floor. She was extremely tired, and every step took the life out of her. The firemen from Ladder Six saw her as they were on their way up to save other victims. They realized that there was  something  special about this woman, and decided that they were going to do everything in their power to keep her alive. When they reached the 4th floor, Josephine collapsed because of extreme fatigue. Because the firemen had to carry Harris down the floors, they were greatly slowed down. In no time at all, they heard and felt the south tower crumble around them. They are only alive today because of Harris. If she hadn't made them slow down, then they would have died. They were in the right place at the right time, and all survived. As firefighter, Mike Meldrum, said about the situation, " If we were a little quicker, we were done. She was our guardian angel". ( Meldrum, Mike).

Jay Jonas

Captain Jay Jonas saved many lives on Sept. 11th. He told his men that they were ordered to walk up eighty flights of stairs, and help rescue people. His men didn't complain once, and said together, " OK, Cap. Let's go, we are with you". Walking up eighty flights of stairs doesn't sound easy to begin with. But imagine have 100 pounds of gear on your back. Now, that is NOT an easy task. But Jonas and his men knew that had to help those victims, and they did everything in their power to help.  He was also involved with the rescue of Josephine Harris. (